We offer a variety of classes and walking tours related to the architecture and development history of the region. Our standard offerings are listed below but we can tailor a topic to your specific needs or interests. Drop us an email if you want to hire us or discuss an idea!
Standard Class Offerings
Crash Course in American Architectural History: 19th Century
Crash Course in American Architectural History: 20th Century
Architecture in the Wild: Exploring East Avenue’s Architectural History
Architecture in the Wild: Exploring the South Wedge’s Architectural History
Architecture in the Wild: Exploring Maplewood’s Architectural History
Architecture in the Wild: Exploring Corn Hill’s Architectural History
Rochester’s Great Architects
Landscape Architects of Rochester
Rochester’s Monuments & Memorials
Check our upcoming events at the Rochester Brainery and around town.
Historic Tax Credits
Did you know that NYS offers several tax credit programs for owners of historic properties? The NYS Historic Homeowners Tax Credit program is available to owner-occupied homes in historic districts that are listed in the National Register of Historic Places and are located in qualifying census tracts. State and federal commercial tax credits are also available to income-producing properties undergoing a major rehab. Visit the NY State Historic Preservation Office’s website and The Landmark Society website for more info.
If your neighborhood wants to learn more about becoming a historic district or already has one in place and wants to learn more about the Homeowner Tax Credit program, contact us!
More Resources
Check out the following websites for more useful information on preservation.
National Park Service Preservation Briefs - great resource for technical advice on old building repair
PreserveNet - preservation related jobs & internships